lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011


This place is so famous because you come here with you friends , family, and too with you boy or girl friend and you have lot of fun.

Lets talk about cinemas this place is so famous because this is the place were all the persons come and see new movies that have been come to the place you are you could find cinemas every were in the malls and there are too theatres.  So this they I went with my father to the cinema we went to see harry potter we were so bore in the house that I tell him like dad lets go to the mall and do something and he tell me like no lets go to the cinema and I tell him like yes lets go . when we were there I remember  that I have to do the homework of English so I star to do it after I enter to see the movie .

We were paying the entrance to see the movie it cost one entrance six thousand pesos we pay in total 12 thousand pesos, we enter there and we eat some snakes, like some pop corn and something to drink like a coca cola .

Form me the cinema if like my favorite place because we have lot of fun and we could have time with my friends and family. The most important part of the cinemas you see lots of new movies they have lots of kinds like comedy, romantic, science- fiction , of terror and too of funny toys. You could eat here like pop corn, a hot dog, or too a ice cream and for drinking you could drink water , a coca cola , or a juice. In this place you could not be bore or yes if you don’t choose the best movie for you .

I love this place J  

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