lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011


by : santiago rodriguez
The Botanic Garden José Celestine Mutis is place in which people can know and observe different kinds of plants and the different ecosystems that Colombia has in which they grow. This garden is divided into different areas in which grow different types of plant. Some of this areas are: “El Paramo”, “Bosque de Niebla y Trepadoras”, “Frutales y Huerto Tradicional de Clima Frio”, “El Humedal”, “Bosque de Lauráceas”, “Herbal de Plantas Medicinales”, “Jardín Sistemático”,  and the “Bosque de Gaques”.

The Botanic Garden has different services for people that visit it school and other institutions. The Garden has a service in which the Garden helps teachers for organizing visits and for getting a guide and teaching students about environmental conservation. Another service is the children’s vacations in which kids are send all mornings to the Botanic Garden form Mondays to Fridays during vacation times. Also the Garden has a library and a club for kids having good time learning about botanic and conservation. 

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