The public library Julio Mario Santo Domingo is one of the four major libraries of the BiblioRed (Red Capital d e Bibliotecas publicas de la alcaldia mayor de Bogotá y la secretaria de educacion Del distrito capital). It is located in the park zone San Jose de Bavaria, calle 170 carrera 59-64.It opened its doors in May 26 2010, it is equipped with an excellent technology and it has an infrastructure to attend almost 1,2 million people of Suba and Usaquen.
Also, it counts with nice spaces, mixed with varied and innovative activities, which wakes up children, adolescents and adults an interest for reading, writing and arts.
We made an interview to an employee of the library, Antonio Forero, that knew almost everything about the library:
-What do you need to take Books or movies from the library?
- Antonio: You need a membership card, which is free to acquire in the BiblioRed webpage.
-At what time does the Library opens and closes?
-Antonio: In Mondays from 2p.m to 8p.m, from Tuesdays to Saturdays from 8a.m to 8p.m and on Sundays from 9aa.m to 5p.m
-How many books dos the library has?
- Antonio: It has 36,000 books and our goal is to have as much as possible.
-In what sections is the library divided?
- Antonio: It is divided in collections that are the general, reference, literature, hemeroteca, children and youth and Bogotá room collections.
-What are the available activities of the library?
- Antonio: The library has activities for families, kids, youth and adults and scholar public like “I Read with my Baby”, “The Story Time”, “Literary Café”, “Library, Literature and school” and much more counting with concerts and theatre plays.
-How many people work in the library?
- Antonio: Almost 70 people
-Who is the architect of the library, what important things did he made?
- Antonio: Daniel Bermúdez, He did a great job with light and air, the air is the same one as the outside one and the library uses outside sunlight as much as it can. Also with sound and vegetation.