lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011


By: Santiago Rodriguez
In Bogota there are different tipoe of parks, someones are from the city hall and other are private parks. there are some temathic parks as "Mundo Aventura" or "Salitre Magico" that had different mechanic attracations and others natural parks as "Simon Bolivar" in which people can pass a good time playing sports, riding bicycles or having a camp day.


Many of the private parks of Bogota has many different services like horser for ridding them, travels in boat and some restaurants for pople eating after a long happy day. Also these parks have different play zones on different fields for different sports like Tennis, Soccer or basketball and some other parks make activities som special dates or occations like a kite contests or, sport day or a gym group. In Bogota there are may different type of parks all with their special sevices but all are make for the same purpose, enjoying people with their open green spaces and play zones. 

Public Library Cultural Center:

The public library Julio Mario Santo Domingo is one of the four major libraries of the BiblioRed (Red Capital d e Bibliotecas publicas de la alcaldia mayor de Bogotá y la secretaria de educacion Del distrito capital). It is located in the park zone San Jose de Bavaria, calle 170 carrera 59-64.It opened its doors in May 26 2010, it is equipped with an excellent technology and it has an infrastructure to attend almost 1,2 million people of Suba and Usaquen.
Also, it counts with nice spaces, mixed with varied and innovative activities, which wakes up children, adolescents and adults an interest for reading, writing and arts.
We made an interview to an employee of the library, Antonio Forero, that knew almost everything about the library:
-What do you need to take Books or movies from the library?
- Antonio: You need a membership card, which is free to acquire in the BiblioRed webpage.
-At what time does the Library opens and closes?
-Antonio: In Mondays from 2p.m to 8p.m, from Tuesdays to Saturdays from 8a.m to 8p.m and on Sundays from 9aa.m to 5p.m
-How many books dos the library has?
- Antonio: It has 36,000 books and our goal is to have as much as possible.
-In what sections is the library divided?
- Antonio: It is divided in collections that are the general, reference, literature, hemeroteca, children and youth and Bogotá room collections.
-What are the available activities of the library?
- Antonio: The library has activities for families, kids, youth and adults and scholar public like “I Read with my Baby”, “The Story Time”, “Literary Café”, “Library, Literature and school” and much more counting with concerts and theatre plays.
-How many people work in the library?
- Antonio: Almost 70 people
-Who is the architect of the library, what important things did he made?
- Antonio: Daniel Bermúdez,  He did a great job with light and air, the air is the same one as the outside one and the library uses outside sunlight as much as it can. Also with sound and vegetation.

Our festivals

Rock al parque

The largest and most attended festival is "The Rock Al Parque" This project was born in 1995 with the intention of generating mechanisms of tolerance and coexistence among young. The festival have being for over 17 years. This show lasts three days, is celebrated in the month of June or July during the first three days and it takes place in the "Simon Bolivar Park". Gathering international guest bands, national and district levels.
Musically, the festival has historically brought together the best of Bogotá and Colombian rock talent, along with major figures from the exponents of Latin America and elsewhere.

Juan guerrero

Shrine of the Fallen Lord of Monserrate

Is a minor church of the Roman Catholic religion, it is at the top of Monserrate hill, east of Bogotá, which is dedicated under the patronage of the Fallen Lord of Monserrate. The church is a pilgrimage shrine that is part of the Archdiocese of Bogotá.

 The construction of the first chapel was authorized by Juan de Borja in 1640 the bachelor, Don Pedro Solis, who finished in 1657, initially under the patronage of the Black Virgin of Montserrat and soon replaced by the image of "Santo Cristo dropped to whips and nailed to the cross ", by Pedro de Lugo Albarracín master carved in wood and some pieces of lead and silver. This building had a chapel and an adjoining convent where recollect monks of St. Augustine lived until 1685, when they were replaced by the Cabinet of Madrid, by Candelario father


I think that restaurants is like a place so good for going with your friends, family and too you boy or girlfriend. This place I like it so much because we don’t only go there for eating,  we go to for having fun and to talk and laugh at the same time we are eating.

Today I went to corral and I ate a hamburger like you now or if yoy don’t nowcorral is  a place were you eat fast food and is so delicious. Here I think in my opinion there are the most delicious hamburgers of the country and the potato’s too I think that are so delicious I love the potato’s  of the corral.

One hamburger cost without cheese cost $9.100pesos   and with cheese cost$11.00pesos. When I went to this place with my pareths they tell me like why we have to come and eat here and I tell them like no is that I have to make a project, but they didn’t  trust me but when I star to make some questions to the person who was in the catcher they tell me like oh yes is for a project.

I like so much this place is one of my favorites that why I came to this place and I ate here and that’s why I went with my parents.


BOGOTA have a lot of thinks were you could have fun  and to now different thinks about bogota

So I  will talk about entertainment in bogota. There are a lot of place were you could go and visited. Those places could be like monserrate, la place of bolivar, the planetarium, different parks. So I will talk about each one like moserrate here you could go to pray and to go to the church you have to go in a “telesferico” or if you like walking you could go walking like one or two hours  is like a mountain that you have to walk I have never do that .

In la “la place de bolivar” this place is not like so good for visiting because it is not that beautiful you will like to see but I will talk about because is a important place in Bogotá. So this place is in the center of bogota and is to famous for how is the arquitecture and all that.           

The planetarium too is so near to the center of bogota. This is place is so fantastic because you could learn here about the starts how they are , there color, is they are older or are young. This place is so good for coming with your friends, family or with both.   

The parks there so many parks in bogota like one of the most famous park el parquet de la 93 this park is good I love to go there in Christmas because you could see all with thinks of Christmas all is decorated and all looks fan tasting all looks so good.

I love bogota and those places that I have tell you.       
Valentina Parra                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

This place is so famous because you come here with you friends , family, and too with you boy or girl friend and you have lot of fun.

Lets talk about cinemas this place is so famous because this is the place were all the persons come and see new movies that have been come to the place you are you could find cinemas every were in the malls and there are too theatres.  So this they I went with my father to the cinema we went to see harry potter we were so bore in the house that I tell him like dad lets go to the mall and do something and he tell me like no lets go to the cinema and I tell him like yes lets go . when we were there I remember  that I have to do the homework of English so I star to do it after I enter to see the movie .

We were paying the entrance to see the movie it cost one entrance six thousand pesos we pay in total 12 thousand pesos, we enter there and we eat some snakes, like some pop corn and something to drink like a coca cola .

Form me the cinema if like my favorite place because we have lot of fun and we could have time with my friends and family. The most important part of the cinemas you see lots of new movies they have lots of kinds like comedy, romantic, science- fiction , of terror and too of funny toys. You could eat here like pop corn, a hot dog, or too a ice cream and for drinking you could drink water , a coca cola , or a juice. In this place you could not be bore or yes if you don’t choose the best movie for you .

I love this place J  


So this activity that we went to colferias was about expociencias this activity was because some of our friends have differents projects .those projects were created by the students not all the projects that were there were of the Abraham Lincoln, there was too some different schools like the colsubsidos school, there was too the alianza francesa and too many schools, but the project that I like the most it was from the school colsubsido there were too girlds that have like a plastic bag but that plastic bag was made of the nutrients that have the“yuca” and they tell me and my friends how to do that. So we were there and we look how was make the plastic bag of nutrients of the “yuca” so first they have to have the “almidon “of “yucca”and then it was like to put in something really hot , and then it same like some chemical treatment so if you put some much  almidon of yucca the plastic bag would be so ugly and so hard . that plastic bag have only 7 days to “descomponerce”.

There were so much projects that a I like to much like the plastic bag of “almidon de yuca”. But it also there was a project that was frpm the school it was about two cars but each one was different from the other the frist care have like some “imanes “in al the part of car and in the think were they have to have the race in the part of the car like “imanes “” it have too in the parte of the race. And in the other part there was a car that was a normal car with some weal’s and the part of the race was the same so the project was about wich one of those cars were faster so the girl tell me like which one is going to be faster and I tell her like the normal car and she tell me like no because of the “imanes “that were there the thinks go faster , so for me that was something new and   so interest .

I like to came colferias because it is not only about science , I went to, to the “feria del carro”that was to good I have a lot of fun because I see all the cars that were so fantastic it was so good. You culd see lots of thinks in this places and have a lot of fun with you friends, family and you to along too because you could learn lots of new things.

Valentina Parra (:

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011


by : santiago rodriguez
The Botanic Garden José Celestine Mutis is place in which people can know and observe different kinds of plants and the different ecosystems that Colombia has in which they grow. This garden is divided into different areas in which grow different types of plant. Some of this areas are: “El Paramo”, “Bosque de Niebla y Trepadoras”, “Frutales y Huerto Tradicional de Clima Frio”, “El Humedal”, “Bosque de Lauráceas”, “Herbal de Plantas Medicinales”, “Jardín Sistemático”,  and the “Bosque de Gaques”.

The Botanic Garden has different services for people that visit it school and other institutions. The Garden has a service in which the Garden helps teachers for organizing visits and for getting a guide and teaching students about environmental conservation. Another service is the children’s vacations in which kids are send all mornings to the Botanic Garden form Mondays to Fridays during vacation times. Also the Garden has a library and a club for kids having good time learning about botanic and conservation. 

sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011

The Gold Museum

I will talk about the gold museum, this museum is about gold. You can find here different types of gold from the pre-history. It is located in “calle 16 con carrera 6ª en el Parque de Santander”, The entrance cost for adults $3,000 pesos and for kids that are under 12 years it is free. And is you want to listen about the museum you can have a audio- guide that cost $6,00 0pesos.

There are a lot of beautiful things that you can find:
This masks that are here they do it with there face to created something to protec them self's.
And look at this there were stone or hammer- hardened tumbaga chisels were used for marking out the object and cutting it to its final shape.

For them the coca was used by chieftains and shamans to help them to think and to renew and transmit sacred knowledge, because of the effect it had in activating the powers of concentration, memory and speech. And they put that in this bottle

There tomb that was excavated in Nahuange bay in 1922. Contained objects similar to these and enabled the period and style of the gold work to be identified.

there was a room were the lights were off and when you enter and in starts to put on some lights get on and you can see some figures and in the floor therer were some special things that were like handless and things about what they put on in the pre- history.
 there was something like a human that have all about want they use in the face, in there, hands, mouth, hair, nose, and they ears.

Those pictures you just saw is the Gold Museum's all done in gold as the name suggests but most of all this is a long time that's why some of the gold are with something green becuase they are from the pre-history ,and the are so old an important for the contry because this museum is important for the persons that come here and now something about Bogota or Colombia.

by : Valentina Parra

domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011

Our Festivals!

This weekend, I search about the concerts, festivals and shows which gives us the city of Bogotá. "

The largest and most attended festival is "The Rock Al ParqueThis project was born in 1995 with the intention of generating mechanisms of tolerance and coexistence among young. The festival have being for over 17 years. This show lasts three days, is celebrated in the month of June or July during the first three days and it takes place in the "Simon Bolivar Park". Gathering international guest bands, national and district levels.

Musically, the festival has historically brought together the best of Bogotá and Colombian rock talent, along with major figures from the exponents of Latin America and elsewhere.

"Half Cake" is a space that gave the district to "music lovers and salsa ones " in a tent. It having since 2007.It is available for 250 people, varies its location and date of the biggest salsa event in Bogota, "Salsa Al Parque ".

The "Jazz in the Park" is also a great tradition in the city of Bogota, today celebrates its edition number 16.This is done between 9 to 11 of September, the sounds of Jazz will be the stars of the music scene capital. It will highlight the wide range of instrumental work of the genre, and sound unconventional a esthetic

"Book The Wind" is another campaign from the distrtit, where around parks , vehicles are parked for people to read "free" books.

"The Bogota International Book Fair" Already in its 24th edition, the book fair has been a spectacle not only national but also on the outside, this fair is held at Corferias anually. Ever  there is a guest country, at this time was Ecuador. Approximately there is expect about 400 thousand people attend to the fair.

Article made by: Juan Guerrero


by: Santiago Rodriguez


supposed to be founded in April the 9th of

1948 but it was postponed because of the

“BOGOTAZO” so it was finally founded in May
the 2nd of the same year. The museum from

August the 30th until October the 30th of 2011

has an exposition of art only of Latin

America’s artists it is called “ZOOM

LATINOAMERICANO” but also the museum has some other

exposition of art and history. The “MUSEO NACIONAL”

entrance has a cost of $2.000 for adults, $1.000 for students,

$500 for kids and it is free on Sundays. The museum is open

form Tuesday to Saturdays form 10:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m.
On the first floor, the museum has a temporally art exposition and a permanent exposition. On the second floor, the museum has seven different rooms all related with the independence and republic of Colombia. Those rooms are:
       1.    “Fundadores de la República”
       2.   “Bóveda de Plateria”
              3. “Nuevo Reino de Granada”
   4. “Obra en Estudio”
             5. “Emancipación y Replública” 
           6.“Gabinete de Miniaturas”
           7.“Federalismo y Centralísmo”
On the third floor, there are three different rooms of art and history all related with the history after the foundation of the republic of Colombia, also on this floor we can see some topics related to other parts of the world. The rooms on the third floor are:
      1.“República de Colombia 1886-1910”
      2.“Ideologías Arte e Industria 1910-1948”
      3."Sala Modernidades 1948-1965”

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Our Restaurants !

by: Valentina Parra
Restaurants a place where you can go to have breakfast,  lunch and dinner. This place you can have fun because you are talking with your friends or family .here you can make some parties or a celebrations of birthdays. There are lots of restaurants where are different types of food  like hamburgers you could go to corral to eat a hamburger, or going to place where you can eat meat is a restaurant that is call ”LA BOGA DEL SINU “ that restaurant is about the Atlantic coast.

So I will talk about a restaurant this restaurant is located in” calle 96 #13-16”  this restaurant is call ” GAIRA MUSICAL LOCAL” this restaurant is about like of the Atlantic coast and they give as like some “empanadas” for the entrance . for eating your lunch or could be dinner you could eat fish, chicken, and a delicious meat.

That photo is about the menu this part is about the entrance what will you like to eat before the big food.

The principal thing of this restaurant is how they decorate there are photos in all the parts there are like some objects that are from famous people of Colombia look at this place and there decorations .
And her is me (:

those photos that have been seen are some of the places in the restaurant that have different photos on the wall of “CARLOS VIVES” of course this restaurant is of CARLOS VIVES but there are lots of photos of guitars, t-shirts of soccer teams from bogota like MILLONARIOS and SANTA FE does to t-shirts are in the walls of the restaurant there too hull of ‘MONTOYA “is you saw it in the pictures.
Here I am with a girl that was attended in the restaurant and I tell her like they could you make me a favor is she could take a picture with me and she look me like why she wants to take a picture with me so I explain that it was for a work in the school at she laugh because of me .

This some of the plates with chicken and meat.