sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011

The Gold Museum

I will talk about the gold museum, this museum is about gold. You can find here different types of gold from the pre-history. It is located in “calle 16 con carrera 6ª en el Parque de Santander”, The entrance cost for adults $3,000 pesos and for kids that are under 12 years it is free. And is you want to listen about the museum you can have a audio- guide that cost $6,00 0pesos.

There are a lot of beautiful things that you can find:
This masks that are here they do it with there face to created something to protec them self's.
And look at this there were stone or hammer- hardened tumbaga chisels were used for marking out the object and cutting it to its final shape.

For them the coca was used by chieftains and shamans to help them to think and to renew and transmit sacred knowledge, because of the effect it had in activating the powers of concentration, memory and speech. And they put that in this bottle

There tomb that was excavated in Nahuange bay in 1922. Contained objects similar to these and enabled the period and style of the gold work to be identified.

there was a room were the lights were off and when you enter and in starts to put on some lights get on and you can see some figures and in the floor therer were some special things that were like handless and things about what they put on in the pre- history.
 there was something like a human that have all about want they use in the face, in there, hands, mouth, hair, nose, and they ears.

Those pictures you just saw is the Gold Museum's all done in gold as the name suggests but most of all this is a long time that's why some of the gold are with something green becuase they are from the pre-history ,and the are so old an important for the contry because this museum is important for the persons that come here and now something about Bogota or Colombia.

by : Valentina Parra

domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011

Our Festivals!

This weekend, I search about the concerts, festivals and shows which gives us the city of Bogotá. "

The largest and most attended festival is "The Rock Al ParqueThis project was born in 1995 with the intention of generating mechanisms of tolerance and coexistence among young. The festival have being for over 17 years. This show lasts three days, is celebrated in the month of June or July during the first three days and it takes place in the "Simon Bolivar Park". Gathering international guest bands, national and district levels.

Musically, the festival has historically brought together the best of Bogotá and Colombian rock talent, along with major figures from the exponents of Latin America and elsewhere.

"Half Cake" is a space that gave the district to "music lovers and salsa ones " in a tent. It having since 2007.It is available for 250 people, varies its location and date of the biggest salsa event in Bogota, "Salsa Al Parque ".

The "Jazz in the Park" is also a great tradition in the city of Bogota, today celebrates its edition number 16.This is done between 9 to 11 of September, the sounds of Jazz will be the stars of the music scene capital. It will highlight the wide range of instrumental work of the genre, and sound unconventional a esthetic

"Book The Wind" is another campaign from the distrtit, where around parks , vehicles are parked for people to read "free" books.

"The Bogota International Book Fair" Already in its 24th edition, the book fair has been a spectacle not only national but also on the outside, this fair is held at Corferias anually. Ever  there is a guest country, at this time was Ecuador. Approximately there is expect about 400 thousand people attend to the fair.

Article made by: Juan Guerrero


by: Santiago Rodriguez


supposed to be founded in April the 9th of

1948 but it was postponed because of the

“BOGOTAZO” so it was finally founded in May
the 2nd of the same year. The museum from

August the 30th until October the 30th of 2011

has an exposition of art only of Latin

America’s artists it is called “ZOOM

LATINOAMERICANO” but also the museum has some other

exposition of art and history. The “MUSEO NACIONAL”

entrance has a cost of $2.000 for adults, $1.000 for students,

$500 for kids and it is free on Sundays. The museum is open

form Tuesday to Saturdays form 10:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m.
On the first floor, the museum has a temporally art exposition and a permanent exposition. On the second floor, the museum has seven different rooms all related with the independence and republic of Colombia. Those rooms are:
       1.    “Fundadores de la República”
       2.   “Bóveda de Plateria”
              3. “Nuevo Reino de Granada”
   4. “Obra en Estudio”
             5. “Emancipación y Replública” 
           6.“Gabinete de Miniaturas”
           7.“Federalismo y Centralísmo”
On the third floor, there are three different rooms of art and history all related with the history after the foundation of the republic of Colombia, also on this floor we can see some topics related to other parts of the world. The rooms on the third floor are:
      1.“República de Colombia 1886-1910”
      2.“Ideologías Arte e Industria 1910-1948”
      3."Sala Modernidades 1948-1965”